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Meet Z Shane Zaldivar

Z Shane Zaldivar is an indigenous trans man of color, a community advocate, an ecumenical and non-denominational outreach pastor, and a former Marine. He has worked in policy and legislation, community outreach, education, and organizing, as well as crisis intervention. He uses the vehicle of intersectionality to bring together and educate marginalized communities to work work together to achieve full and sustainable equality. 


Z Shane Zaldivar

Z was featured in America in Transition Episode 4 (“Called to Serve”). His passion for crisis intervention came from his own personal struggles with suicidality and the struggles he has seen his fellow former Marines deal with. He is a member of Vet to Vet, Service members, Partners, and Allies for Respect and Tolerance for All (SPARTA), and Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA). Z is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS TN) and a certified QPR trainer (suicide prevention). Z previously served as Hotline Program Director for the Trans Lifeline providing operator support and leadership. 

Z is a contributor to the Transfaith Institute. Z is co-founder of Transgender Allies Group (TAG). He is affilated with The GenderBook as a gender scout. He has been honored as an elder and history keeper in Southerners on New Ground (SONG)